The LORD your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day to Me
He may only be five, but he knows how to treat a lady. Ok, well sort of anyway. This is the present he picked out for me. We had dinner at the lovely IHop. It just so happens to be our favorite hangout. Before hand his mommy had tucked some money away in his pocket so that when the ticket came he was able to say 'I get to pay it' and he paid for himself and his two valentines. It was hilarious.
He got an orange teddy bear hamster as his valentines present. Don't worry, it was his mom's idea. And we are all so very creative that he is named 'Valentine.'
It is almost 6 p.m. on Friday which means I am soon going to get to leave this stinkin' office and not come back for two whole days! Hooray! I had to be here at 7:15 this morning to go to a meeting in North Dallas so it has been a looooong day. I'm done with it.
I have Cas and Nattie this weekend but it's supposed to be crummy weather so I suppose that besides church we will be sitting in the warmth of my home playing Guitar Hero all weekend. I sure do love me some Guitar Hero. Cas has been practicing so she is becoming quite fun to play with. Natalee still doesn't have a clue but she thinks she's rocking out!
1)Answer the questions below 2) Take each answer and type it into Photobucket 3) Take a picture from the first page of results and post. (click on the picture and copy the html)
1. The age you will be on your next birthday? 32...
2. A place you'd like to travel to?
3. Your favorite place?
4. Your favorite object?
5. Your favorite food?
6. Your favorite animal? None...
7. Your favorite color?
8. The town in which you were born? Ft. Worth, Texas...
9. The town in which you live? Ft. Worth, Texas
10. The name of a past pet? Pumpkin....surprisingly looked just like this one...
11. The first name of a recent/past boyfriend/girlfriend? Tim...
It's almost here. I can barely breathe I am so overwhelmed with anticipation!! It's Baseball Time! :-) Blayne (10) made an eleven year old select team and Brayton (7) made an eight year old select time. I am stoked. The one problem I may struggle with this season is that since they are both playing up and both on select teams, it is highly probable that they will not be the best player on their respective teams. That will take some getting used to for me. Seeing them sit on the bench or strike out or not get homeruns 98% of their at bats will be very new for us. But I can't wait just the same. Mayson is only five so he will of course just play T-Ball on a rec team. The good news, Mayson and Rachael moved to Midlothian so that was, up until last week, going to make baseball season far less hectic because they'd all be in one spot. The bad news, select teams travel. So, Mayson will play at Midlothian but the other two boys will be in a different town for each game or tournament. More good news, if Blayne's team makes Nationals they will be in Arkansas, I know that excites one of my least it better. ;-) Gotta go home now. Remember to continue praying for Ashley, they are still searching for the cause of whatever has sent her back to such a critical state. Their family really needs our prayer support.
If you are the praying sort please lift up Ashley Adams today. If you aren't the praying sort, go read her story and I think you will be encouraged to try it, at least. She is struggling for her life right now. I can't imagine what her parents must be feeling but I know they could use the strength that comes from fellow Christians banding together in prayer for their family.
"I loathe the expression 'What makes him tick.' It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm."
James Thurber