Into the Depths: Baseball Madness

Monday, April 30, 2007

Baseball Madness

I love baseball. Seriously, I love it. I'm not sure why since there really isn't all that much to it. I mean, you whack a ball with a stick and then run in a circle. Yet, I adore it. I've learned, however, that baseball season turns my life into rushed chaos. I'm actually having to cut down on t.v. time....do you know how much that hurts. I don't get around to watching Thursday's shows until Sunday. It's crazy. On weeks like this one, where I have five days of work for each of my two groups at church, my regular 8ish to 5ish job, and 8 baseball games, well it's just complete madness.

Blayne played in his first ever Select ball game on Sunday. He did so well and I was beaming with pride. I was really worried about the pressure because Blayne isn't real into pushing himself. He's laid back and quite alright with just gliding through. Perfectionist, he is not. When it came to crunch time though, he was an all star. In the last inning we were down by one. Blayne was up to bat with two outs. He got two strikes and then hit two fouls. Can you say PRESSURE. But the coach called time, gave him a little pep talk to take the edge off and up he went. He knocked it into left field and got the tying score home. That put us into overtime. In this league they load the bases and start you with one out in overtime innings. The other team scored one and then we were up. The first kid hit a single and brought in the tying run and then came the second batter. That nine year old child knocked the ball over the dang fence. It was astounding. Tonight Brayton played, he's six. He knocked in one triple, a homer, and two grand slams. My nephews are cool!

OK, enough baseball.....for now. I have to go get something done with my homework because Thursday will be here before I know it. :)


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