Into the Depths: Cognitive Dissonance

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Cognitive Dissonance

'A psychological conflict resulting from simultaneously held incongruous beliefs and attitudes'

This is the state in which I find myself.

If someone gives me their answer to my questions and I can not accept automatically that it is the truth I am searching for, does that mean I don't really want an answer or does it mean that I must continue my search until the Truth is revealed in such a way that I can not refute it with other apparent 'truths'?

Is my questioning legitimate or is it just an excuse to not fall on my face at the feet of God in shame and hope against hope that He would forgive one such as me?

Does the fact that God's own Son questioned Him encourage me to question or humble me to blindly trust since He was willing to forsake said Son for, again, one such as me?

If an answer seems more congruent with what the character of God is can I accept it even if it is contrary to what I have always been taught?

When 1 Thessalonians 5:21 tells me to test everything, is it literal even when it seems so contrary to the 'christian' view that I should just take a leap of faith and hope for the best?

I have no idea, on all accounts. Thus, I struggle incessantly in my state of 'cognitive dissonance.'


Blogger Shayne said...

When 1 Thessalonians 5:21 tells me to test everything, is it literal even when it seems so contrary to the 'christian' view that I should just take a leap of faith and hope for the best?

1. There is more to faith than just "hoping for the best." Unfortunately though, that's how most of us seem to view faith. When you make plans on Wednesday to go to the movies on Friday night...that's faith. You're positive (or at least most people are) that you will be alive on Friday, even though we all know that the only thing standing between us and eternity is our next breath, or our next heartbeat.

If someone gives me their answer to my questions and I can not accept automatically that it is the truth I am searching for, does that mean I don't really want an answer or does it mean that I must continue my search until the Truth is revealed in such I way that I can not refute it with other apparent 'truths'?

2. Not necessarily. Every answer or "Word" given needs to be lined up with scripture. But if we are unwilling to accept Scripture as the "inerrant Word of God" as you put it, then it's possible to be deceived by people who are well intentioned, yet clueless. As for irrefutable truths...well, I think everyone in history has questioned God, even when faced with physical evidence of His goodness and power. Check out the book of Genesis if you don't believe me. Adam and Eve had a relationship with God that was face to face. He came and walked with them in the cool of the day, and Eve still went with what the snake said instead of the truth. People...I'm tellin ya we're all nuts!

Is my questioning legitimate or is it just an excuse to not fall on my face at the feet of God in shame and hope against hope that He would forgive one such as me?

3. Oh sweetie...how my heart aches for you. Of course your questioning is legitimate. It's just that every question was answered at the Cross. You and you alone will decide if you can trust that Answer. God's ability to forgive you is not the question...that has already been done. The question is can you forgive yourself? I will tell you something...II Cor. 5:21 says, "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the Righteousness of God in Him." NASB If that's true, then all my sins, all your sins past, present and future...were nailed to that Cross. They are gone baby. And nothing you can do can bring them back. Everytime you go to God and say, "But God...remember this? I did this and this and such and such." God says, "I have no clue what you're talking about." He does not see you the way you see yourself, covered in shame and sin. He only sees Jesus. That's all, and that's how He wants it. If He didn't, none of us would be here. Keep hanging in there honey. God is wooing you with His grace, and it won't be long now. In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray now that all confusion cease, and command that the enemy shut his mouth. Father I pray You reveal Yourself to this brave and beautiful daughter of Yours. Bless her with Your peace Lord. In Jesus' name Amen.

June 06, 2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger SuperMom said...

I think it's great that you question and search. Is there a way to know the 100% truth to every question you have?

June 07, 2006 9:27 PM  
Blogger Bttrfly1976 said...

Shayne, again I appreciate your sincerity and your caring. I liked your point on the fact that sometimes people question God even in the face of blatent proof, reminded me of 'doubting Thomas.' He walked with Jesus day in and day out and still questioned. In answer to your question, no I can't forgive myself. Perhaps someday....
Supermom, thank you for your affirmation. In answer to your question, I don't have an answer. It seems as though there should be a way to know the 100% truth. God's truth has to be absolute, right? However, whether or not He will ever make that absolute truth known to me, no idea. Perhaps the only absolute He feels like we have to know is that He is God, Jesus is His Son, and the only way to know Him is to know Jesus. I wish I could be content with that, truly. It would certainly make life less complicated, at least inside my brain.

June 07, 2006 11:51 PM  
Blogger Bttrfly1976 said...

By the way, Supermom, your daughter is precious in her "mommy please hug me" pose!

June 08, 2006 12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephanie...I agree with Shayne. But I also want to say that through Jesus, I believe God began to understand our human nature to question. Because his Son didn't understand all the things God had for him, yet still trusted in his Father to take care of him give me hope that even though I question, God understands and is ready with open arms to give me wisdom and to envelope me in his love. You don't have to fall at his feet in shame. You can fall at his feet with the knowledge that yes, he will forgive you time and time and time again. It's call grace. God's grace accepts us even when we think our sins are so terrible he would never take us back. He does. And he will. As long as we ask.

I know because I have done some terrible things in my life and I have experienced the full forgiveness of God and joy that freedom brings.

June 12, 2006 10:22 AM  

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